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Name: Xabi or Riley
Age: 21
Gender: nonbinary(bigender)
Pronouns: He/Him
s/o: definitely not straight
relationship status: Taken | FA | DA

Latest Journal

Back from the Dead

Hello everyone! I'm sure everyone has long forgotten about me, it's been a very long time since I can back around here.

A lot has happened over the past several months, I've lost two jobs and moved states away from my home, still far from living with my partner, whom I've been with for almost 8 months now.

I'm now living in a tiny Mormon town in Utah, and I have a steady looking job as a cook at a pizza place, and I finally have a learner's permit and have a car waiting for me in the big city with my Uncle.

I've been playing loads of overwatch lately while attempting to save up for a new laptop I can stream with while looking to save up to move out on my own to get away from an oppressive and abusive home I'm currently living in.

For now I'll be updating my page and spamming art that I've uploaded other places...maybe.

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    Thanks very much! =)

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      no problem!!! o:

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    Thank you for following me! I appreciate it! :3

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      no problem!!! 0: i really enjoy your art!

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    Thanks so much for the follow! btw your style is so cute and I love the colors you use, it creates like a nice atmosphere for your pictures

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      No problem!! I rlly like your art!! And aahh thank you so much, hearing that means a lot to me!!! ;v; (btw thanks for following me back!!)

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        no problem here either!!! I'm so excited to see more from you ouo

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    Thanks a alot for following me :D