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No One's Favorite Song [Qiyala City] by Woofle

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No One's Favorite Song [Qiyala City]


[ECO: Season 2]
Qiyala City is the largest city in southeastern Kerlynzia. Situated at the southern tip of the Tesalaya Prefecture, this factory-filled city can be seen for miles night or day. Its many gas lanterns, and flame-tipped towers light up the night, and during the day, its structures can be seen over the treetops.

Many people chose to move to this city for work, when the lord of the Teselaya region, Buxford Banaude began having factories built there. Factories could provide promising work for struggling farming families, or for villagers from the many tiny, hardly-populated villages that dot the south-eastern countryside.

Qiyala, though, for its part, has not done a very good job in padding anyone's pockets but Banaude's. The workers are not paid very well, and the working conditions and hours are more rotten than the smell of the place. It has gained a reputation as being a terrible place among the richer westerners, and the distant northerners, but still, south-easterners flock to it in hopes of making just a little money to put a little more food on the table for their families.

One of the earliest towns encoutnered in ECO: Season 2!

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