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Dreamer/ Dream Sea [Piano-ish] by Woofle

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Dreamer/ Dream Sea [Piano-ish]


From soundcloud;

The soft version of Lyrikos' theme; &

I actually wasn't going to upload this because I wasn't happy with it, but then Potato convinced me. xD

Thanks, She also helped a TON with the mixing on this piece. Go check out her stuff :o

Thumnail/icon by Cainethelongshot Cainethelongshot

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Multimedia / Original Music


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    I'm glad you uploaded it, I think it sounds beautiful :3
    Hey, hate to ask this but... do you have any tips? I actually did like I said I would and added this to my skill-building list... I experimented and looked but I don't seem to find the right... something. I have one I like considering I'm new at it but something's off and all the feedback I get at home is: Is there any use to it?
    So yeah, any tips in general?

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      Hey, thanks! :D
      What kind of tips are you looking for exactly? There's definitely a lot of different types I could try to give, but I want to be sure I'm giving the right ones! You can note me if you want to ask a few things, and I'll try to help to the best of my abilities!

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    Ah, I remember this beautiful theme. I like this take on the dream sea theme. This one sounds very pensive and uncertain, while maintaining that ephemeral quality of wonder that pervades this song. I know it has little relevance, but this song always reminds me of sitting on the catwalk just outside the ship's library on the aircraft carrier at night. Nothing but the quiet rumble of the engines and the soft lapping of the ocean against the hull while looking out into the mirrored black of night sky and night-lit sea.

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      Yeah. xD I ended up doing about ... I think 6 or 7 different cuts of this theme for the final draft, because it needed to play in a lot more places, and it needed to play behind lots of different locales/emotions, etc. This particular take is sort of uncertain, yearning one that has to do with the Verse's feelings about her sister, Lyrikos, who is most likely a construct of her imagination -- a pretend friend made up to keep her from killing herself as a child.

      That image is actually really beautiful that you described... ;~; Hopefully, the wind isn't too cold, and hopefully, you don't have to enjoy the view alone!