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Derelict Ocean [For Sea Goddess' Temple] by Woofle

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Derelict Ocean [For Sea Goddess' Temple]


The subject of this particular song is an abandoned temple devoted to the Sea Goddess in the game's world. The temple has a lot of water flowing through it in various directions, and is massive, going down into the ground below. The Sea Goddess is said to have disappeared roughly 20 years prior to the game's story, but that no longer seems to be entirely true. Even if she still lives though, she's left this temple behind, along with a few other gifts.

When first visited at the start of season 2, the temple is mostly in ruins. Verse is in hot pursuit of a thief (or perhaps two thieves, if her nose isn't lying to her,) and must ascend deep into the temple after them. Later though (much later...) the temple may change.

Listeners may notice a bit of 'Transformation' ( ) in this tune!

Submission Information

Multimedia / Original Music


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    This time I made a bit better use of the timed comments haha.

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      xD! I saw!!

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    Are any of the songs you make available for credited use on things like speed paint videos? Or are they all only for this game?
    I've been trying to find some good free use music as background for the speed paint videos I do based on my live streams, but it hasn't been easy to find ones of professional quality.

    And also, this song is very beautiful! ^.^

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      Oh, yes please, feel free! As long as credit is given, you can use anything you find in my gallery for speedpaints! :D

      Also, thank you so much!! ;~;

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        Eee! Thank you very much! And of course! I've only listened to the one, but I think you totally deserve any other attention it might bring to your pieces. I'll let you know if I use any!

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          Ooh! Thank you so much!!! :D I'm really glad you liked this enough to possibly use it! Thanks for letting me know if you end up using it, or any others, too! This's really awesome! :3

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    Ooo, I'm really liking this piece's mood. I especially like the bit when the accordion/harmonica (I think) comes in at 1:06~:07.

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      aah! Thank you so much ;~; That kind'a 'main theme' part of the song is my favorite, too, honestly. x3