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Cult of the Mad Goddess by Woofle

Cult of the Mad Goddess

Cult of the Mad Goddess


New season, new villain ... sort of. The final season doesn't just deal with the titular Order. There are now two forces at work (three, counting the Church of Elia) which are not only opposed to each other, but the player's party as well.

I don't want to get heavy into specifics, but if you've ready the first 3 seasons so far* I'll be glad to cryptically answer some questions in comments. The Mad Goddess is a formidable foe. She isn't organized like the Order, or the Church, and simply kills, and kills, and kills. Oh, and she has a flying island that helps her with all this killing (and/or recruiting.) Both the Order and the Church are in her gunsights, but so is your player party, as said earlier. In fact, pretty much everyone hates your player party, even the thieves' guild. Good luck with that.

This theme represents her, but it mostly represents her accomplishments and her following, not so much her as a person.

Anyway, all that aside, I went for a slightly eerie sounding theme this time, as well as one that could signify the followers she's amassed (protip: A decent few.) There's several Mitsuda homages in here (as usual) as I feel he's the best at capturing this kind of emotion.

There's bits of chanting here and there, lots of percussion, and such to signify her following. Since she's a Goddess of water, I put in a few watery sounds as well. It was a very hard balance to strike, honestly, but I'm happy with the result.

*no one has

Submission Information

Multimedia / Original Music


  • Link

    Catchy musics is catchy. Sounds great, hun. Glad to see you're still going a wonderful job at your work.

    • Link

      aww, thank you, dear! :3

  • Link

    Chanting or something.... cool
    Awesome percussion came in nd more voices.
    This is coing to be awesome
    just got eargasm ~34
    I cannot see time as the preceding comment pushes my view down lol
    ~1:00 nice "twinkily" sound
    ~1:40 guitar. Maybe needs a bit less distortion
    ~2:20 bells ! they sound cool...

    This reminds me a bit of The Fifith Element on PS1/PC

    • Link

      Whoa, wait, there was a 5th element game!?!?
      Also, glad you got a kick out of this one. x3 As she's one of the villain factions' leaders (there are three factions that want to kill each other AND the player by this point in the story) I thought it'd be neat to give her a theme that showed the terrifying things she can do, and the devotion of her followers.
      @1:40I like to have the distortion up as high as it is on this song, because I don't want to weaken the sound of the guitar by making it sound gentle, since the character's anything but.

      • Link

        Yush ! The controls are a bit clunky and the game takes some liberties with the plot, but it is still very very awesome !
        As far as distortion goes, I have no problem with it except in this particular case it seemed to muddy up the notes. It was not so easy to hear them.

        • Link

          Damn, I may have to check that out sometime!! :D
          I was pretty much trying to drown the notes in distortion, because they're just powerchords. x3 I honestly feel like the only thing that didn't work out with those was that they were like BOOM suddenly there, and then BOOM, completely gone again. xD

          • Link

            If that was the intention, cannot argue with that :P

            • Link

              Yeah, I get some weird/retarded ideas, and just roll with them. Case in point, here. XD