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Dream Sea [Cute Version] by Woofle

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Dream Sea [Cute Version]


Artwork by Fortuna

(It occurred to me that every single cut of Lyrikos' theme is very, very serious. Thought I'd fix that.) This song is meant to match up with Verse's cute theme : as they're thematically related. Thanks to inspiration from friends, I'm learning a lot more about the characters -- especially Lyri, here. The songs were made about 3 years apart though, and it probably shows.

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Multimedia / Original Music


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    there was a difference i noticed between this one and the one you linked. both good but more experience was felt in this one. in my opinion at least

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      Yeah, Verse's cute theme was kind of... all-over-the-place. Not to say that Lyri's here isn't, but I've gotten a better idea how to make disparate elements more cohesive, I guess. It kiiiind of works for Lyri here since she's more mentally together than sloppy, paranoid Verse, but still! XD

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        he is paranoid for what i feel is a valid reason.

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    That face is just so cute!!!!
    It just adds to the song~

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      Hehe, yeah. Every now and then Lyrikos becomes super coot!

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    Nice! I love how the tongue sticking out adds to the fun. :) I've always had a hard time figuring out how folks compose music but I guess it's like any other skill or language, or how words come to me when I write even though I have no formal training so to speak.

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      Honestly, it's pretty darn close to writing! :3 I don't profess to exactly be a master of either medium, but I can definitely say the feelings of creating them are very similar. It's very difficult to describe, to be honest... But seeing as neither of us has formal training, I'd reckon we feel the same! So uhm.. yeah. XD Same thing really, just different medium. :3 [/rambling]

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        I've always been of the mind that talent is one of those elements you can't teach. You either have it or you don't, or rather, you have it in you or you don't. You can bring it out in some folks, some folks can never learn to master a given skill, but while education can take you far, if you don't have the talent, it's like a weapon without a targeting system!