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Traveling Río de Naranja by Woofle

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Traveling Río de Naranja


Hey guys! Sorry things have been so quiet recently! I've been very busy (that's a good thing, trust me!) Anyway, slowly but surely, I'm getting more ECO BGM done. I'll catch up on PMs etc soon!

"Cecelia watched the water wheel at the rear of the boat, watching the docks slowly disappear behind them, as jungle closed in on both sides of the river. A few other passengers nearby were talking, but Cecelia couldn't understand a word of it. In Los Marineros, it hadn't been so bad. She'd heard words she could understand there, but it was about this time that she realized being in another country might not be as easy as it had been in books. Honestly, if Lancaster hadn't gotten them passage The Barco Salvavidas, and done all the talking for she and Basil, they'd probably be lost in jungle. She didn't like to think what would happen if they became separated. On the plus side, the food was great, if a little spicy."

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Multimedia / Original Music


  • Link

    i find myself wracking my brain trying to remember if i know a Lancaster.

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      Captain Derrik Lancaster of the Bella Muerte. :3 Verse mentions him a couple times -- he's the most feared pirate still out at sea. Rumors say the ocean comes back to life wherever he goes.

      • Link

        well he cant be all that bad if he's willing to help them. i'll reserve judgement till i read more of them. :3

  • Link

    (sometimes i remember weasl is a thing!)

    I like this track a lot! I'm very fond of the ... quacking (not sure how else to describe it?) accompanying the melody. Getting some nice easygoing Breath of Fire/90s game vibes.

    • Link

      Hey, it's you!!! :D Long time no see, Aciel!!! Yeah, Breath of Fire (specifically 3 and 4) was a huge inspiration behind this piece (and indeed a ton of the soundtrack in general.) Nice to see you around! :D

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        It has been a while! I'm hardly around Fur Affinity or Weasl anymore (tumblr and Miitomo are my networks nowadays) but I do try to make sure to check out the music sections and the people I like there from time to time. I'm starting to reconnect with a lot of artistic people I used to talk to, and it's really fun to see where everyone has ended up! It looks like you're making music as work and as personal projects at a pretty decent clip, which is always heartening!

        Ahhh, thinking of Breath of Fire and such made me think of Dark Cloud and Lunar. I occasionally miss older RPG music aesthetic really, really hard.

        • Link

          I know the feeling on that one! I'm on soundcloud constantly, but kind of forget to use Weasyl now and then. ./////. So I can dig it! It's awesome that you're back and reconnecting!! :D Missed havin' you around. Hopefully I have more to share soon... been really burned out recently. x.x;

          Yeah... I miss those days. :( It was such a magical time for RPGs. I guess this whole project here is my way of telling those old games that they are missed by folks like us. .///.

          • Link

            Woofles and Aciels just kinda drifting throughout the internets and occasionally bumping into each other with soft "hello! it's you!" before going off again. Not a bad life! And aw, I'm flattered that you missed me :o Hopefully we can run into each other a little more, because I missed you too!
            Hard to take breaks for recovering from creative burnout when it's your occupation, huh? I hope you feel better soon.

            Speaking of old games (and going back to my sometime habit of recommending music) do you like the Kid Icarus series at all? I've been listening to the Kid Icarus: Uprising soundtrack pretty studiously and it amazes me how well-crafted it is, especially with the different motifs and nods to the original score.

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              8,000 days later, I'm back. xD Sorry about being gone for a while... I explained it a bit in my latest journal, but I just haven't been doing much of ANYTHING. So it's time to get back to doing all of that anything now. And maybe I'll get to bump into you as well. :D Also, I really, really, really need to play that series. I played a bit of the DS one, and really liked it, but never got to finish it. ;~;

              • Link

                Don't fret! Haituses happen. Sometimes you just need some time to rediscover yourself and all the projects you put yourself into...I am currently in the middle of that myself, so I totally understand.
                Please finish the DS one at least! Such a great story with great pacing and music. Also cute characters!! My current favorite game.

                • Link

                  Once I get find my DS, I may just have to do that! :3
                  Re-writing slowly over here... kind of getting back into things. Hopefully heading towards a better future!