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Epithet to a brother - by Fierglief by edelfieri

Epithet to a brother - by Fierglief


“One thing you can't hide - is when you're crippled inside.” --John Lennon

FYI: This guy is carrying Wolf, not the latter nibbling or anything.

What you're seeing here is a tribute to what being a brother is about. This is a gift I've personally commissioned for one of the best people I've ever met online. He is known as   hassburg.

I have known him for quite a while now, probably close to three years or so. In that time, he has done a lot more for me here than most "people" I've met online, and has certainly earned his high position on the best online friends list, like many others have. I feel honored to have met him in my life. I like to think of him as one of the angels God sent me- one of the angels I was longing for (I mean angel euphemistically as a real friend). He has helped me out, counseled me, consoled me, listened to me and even played games with me when I was at my weakest, my most tired. He helped me with bill payments when neither I nor my family could. He's probably the only commissioner alongside two other people that cares enough about my uploaded shit that no one reads that he commissions me when I need it- regardless of source material. Just like in the pic (Fier's idea some time after he scrapped my original idea and started this one, which I loved a lot more), he was one of the strong shoulders I could lean on. I realize many others I know have been too, and I am equally thankful to them as well. But this is about honoring what must be. Give to Caesar what is Caesar's.

When no one, or very few, spoke up, he truly stood.

From the bottom of my heart, Tom, thank you. Thank you so much. You're a friend for life. God bless you every day of your life. Thank you for being the shoulder I needed.

Wolf © Me
Hassburg/Thass ©   hassburg
Art © Fierglief

Posted with permission.

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