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Tiktikki by Shikoku-Una by WolfwithGlasses

Tiktikki by Shikoku-Una


This is a Tiktikki, a new species for the Alan Empire I created. The Art is by

These highly intelligent creatures that are native to the world of Tikkaris are organiziert in big family groups and Clans.

They wear a mane made of soft spikes and they have two tentacles on each side and also 2 pairs of eyes.

When walking they reach a height of about 1.50 to 1.60 meters. Their body length can vary between 7 to 10 feet (from nose to tail tip) their Tentacel reach a length of about 8 meters. The tentacles are below the skin in invisible coat pockets.

Tiktikkis preferably feed on fruits of the harvest they collect with their long tentacles of the trees and shrubs of the deciduous forests. Further serve their tentacles to communicate among each other.

The Tiktikkis reproduce themselves by Oviposition. When the breeding time comes, the male will pump allready fertilized eggs into the womb of his mate during then mating process. In there the Eggs grow protected from environmental influences. The pregnant females rarely leave the nest now and during this time all pregnant females will be supplied by the rest of the clan. When the eggs in the body of the female are about to hatch, she will lay them into a previously prepared nest inside of the couples breeding cave.

The Alani have settled on Tikkaris and after several months they found out that the Tiktikkis have a way highter intellect as they originally thought. Especially after finding the painted caves of a Tiktikki Clan, made clear too the the Alani Settlers that these creatures are intelligent. No plain animal makes complex cave paintings with colors from plants.

Since then the Alani Settlers and the Tiktikki population live in peace together, a small number of the Tiktikkis even traveled to other worlds on Alan Starships.

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