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[TFTuesday12-17] Milk Potions by Wolfaro

[TFTuesday12-17] Milk Potions


Notes of the Alchemist;

shadowfox014 was the first of the victims that decided to test one of my preparations in honor of Transformation Tuesday,

The first week his preparations was prepared with milk, an ingredient i forget he was allergic at. Besides all the groaning and growing, he changed to became a carton cow, one pretty big and colorful and had a week to get used to the udder, hooves hand and to bellow from time to time.

The Second Week, the preparation make his udder to swell big and large, milk leaking from each of it's teats. Forcing him to prepare and deal with more milking everyday. that for a whole week, where he had to make a routine of two to three milking daily.

The Third Week, the preparation merged his DNA with one of a Miltank. While it's body was now more and more female thanks to the Pokemon hybridization he kept it's cartoonish look. His bellow from Moo changed to Mriiii. That was interesting to notice as he seems to ignore that fact.

The Fourth Week, the feral brew make his body change quickly to be four legged. Shifting his thought to me more feral, free an pleasent.

He have became a Feral Cow/Miltank hibryd.

Alchemist Notes, December 2017 - Test 1

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