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Sea of Clouds by WindWolf

Sea of Clouds


Gryphons? Griffins? Griffons? I'm not sure of exactly which spelling is correct, but here I've gone and drawn myself and Frodo as gryphons. I've been wanting to draw myself as a gryphon since December now, and since Tsebresos designed me a Frodo gryphon (although I tweeky-tweekyed it so that it doesn't really look a thing like what she drew now) I figured I'd draw us both. I based us off of a mix of our wolf forms and our lion forms. I'm pretty happy with how this looks, although I do realize that I kinda suck at drawing and shading wings though :p

I also designed the colored wing tips based on TheOutli3R's art trade she did for me a little while back

I don't really think Frodo and I really work as gryphons though. We're both too small and skinny while I always picture gryphons being bigger and buffer-looking, but I did my best to make it sorta work for this.

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    Omg they're gryphons I LOVE GRYPHONS!

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      Teehee, thanks! I've been wanting to draw myself as a gryphon for a long time now.

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    It's just so prettyyyy.. I cant even begin to understand how you do such awesome shading and backgrounds. I realllllyyyy like this piece, it is by far my new favorite! Great work!

    (And, P.S, I have NO idea how to spell Griffons.. xD)

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      Thank you! And it just takes practice is all. Lots of practice.

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    They look amazing as griffons!

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      Thank you! I've only done griffons once before, so this was a fun challenge!