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Taknhetian Macropods by WallaReaper

Taknhetian Macropods


There are three Taknhetian macropod races that were created in the wars. The smaller two came from the P16 project and both were engineering class systems with different combat roles. And yes, my name comes from my model's codename. I was the prototype for the class. The Gravedancers did not actually have wings to start, but off-world contamination, and demonic possession, led to a hybrid unit that was crucial to our survival later in the Hycycanth war. THey have the little head wings too, but he's hiding his right now. Then there is the big P23 tigerroo, a much larger and more common unit throughout the wars.

At the end of the war, the Hycyanth decided that our model names and numbers needed to be replaced with a better name that made us feel more like people and less like products. The big guys got their name for their ability to stand toe to toe with some of Hycya's toughest fighters. The Miyania, or Heart's Mirror, were named because they are all empathic and routinely used their enemy's emotions against them.

Finally, there's my species, the Ienthcya. We were, and probably are, the most feared of all the species not just the macropods. Its not that we're strong or have any kind of innate magic, but that we are the most powerful processing unit in the Taknhetian fleet, and we can design and produce dangerous weapons quickly. I spent my final days in orbit locked in a room looking donw on a world that feared to speak my name. And people wonder why I am pleased to have died and been given a chance as a reaper.

At least this is the more common rivalry and about as bad of a conflict as my kin have to deal with now. They've earned the peace they have now. We all have.

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