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A-FLIPPIN'-GAIN??? by Volt Siano


Volt Siano

My 12:30 class got cancelled today. Again. That's two out of three class periods so far this semester.
Not too mad about it - I gives me more time for fun stuff.

I actually made this and put it up on the door of the classroom, so that everybody who came by could at least have a good laugh about the situation.


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    Is it because it was too cold for the teacher to get in? I think I only experienced that once at college.............and I came by the city bus, so I'm like...........well, I guess I'll read something before my next one. (Not like I could really go anywhere in snow and cold and having to ride the bus! XD)

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      Well, we're pretty far south, so... no.
      Yeah, I drew this and then read some comics.

      I passed by the classroom just now, and it was already gone. I wonder if anyone else found it humorous.

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        I suppose the teacher must have had some kind of emergency then.

        Ah well, at least you managed to have a little fun and relaxation in place of class. :)