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Gejoct Updated Stand Animation [flat] by VinVulpis

Gejoct Updated Stand Animation [flat]


Quick updated animation sample for Gejoct. For MUGEN and whatever the heck I end up working with in the future.

I got rid of the "personal wind currant." I feel like it ended up giving him the wrong vibes. Ended up being 36 unique frames. Little movements at different times and such. Pose is inspired by Zero/Cloned Zero from The King of Fighters series. I was also very careful to make sure the sprite's colors are ideal for game-palettizing. Since I kinda messed that up slightly with recent Jeibu assets, which I have to go back over a fix a few pixels on each frame for. x.x

Story time.

He stays relaxed and moves in short bursts for the most part. He's a jaded and -extremely- cynical after being looked up to as a heroic or guardian like figure for the people of his now ruined home world. He hates cowards and overly dependent people who choose not to take a stand for themselves. He's usually not impressed with most confrontations at this point. He feels that most foes can't bring any greater threat than the horrors he's already faced. He's through with being a "hero" and only wishes to protect the few left in his left that he loves, specifically, Jeibu.

He's is the most influential figure in Jeibu's life, and had made a promise to Jeibu's mother, Eva, that he'd keep him safe after her passing. He even taught Jeibu about all of his powers and fighting style, hence there are similarities in a lot of their moves.

(Jeibu and Gejcot are not related. Jeibu's mother, Eva, was a colleague and close friend of Gejoct's. Jeibu's father had passed before he was born, so Gejoct was something a father figure to Jeibu.)

Despite all this, he's still polite to most people. Though he occasionally suffers from PTSD from his past experiences and secretly still wishes he could have done better. Still, he lives to see a bright new world, but is weiry of what new things he might face in finding more out about the demise of his home world.

Submission Information

Visual / Animation