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Friendship's Value by Vinchenzo the Jackal

So many would call themselves friends...
They would say they would be together forever...
And yet what is friendship's value? What is friendship's strength?
So many would throw friendship aside...
So many friendships broken over petty issues...
What worth is friendship's value? When it is disposable and weak?
In the eyes of these people, do they even have friends?
In the eyes of their friends, are they even people?
So friendship's value is questioned. And friendship is questioned itself.
So friendship when fragile is worthless and false.
When friendship breaks over the pettiness of politics and religions.
Friendship tossed regardless of the months, years, or decades held.
Then friendship is worthless. Then friendship has no purpose.
When friendship's value is used for the self. When it is not used for friends.
That friendship is nothing. That is worthless. Much like a friendship to be thrown.

Friendship's Value

Vinchenzo the Jackal

I made 3 poems this evening. This one portrays society's treatment of friendship.
It shows how friendship is normally worthless and disposable.
That true friendship rarely exists. True friendship, is the only thing beyond value.

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