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Seriously Considering Quitting Smash Bros. by VibrantEchoes

Seriously Considering Quitting Smash Bros.


I've loved Super Smash Bros ever since I was 5 years old. It was the second game I ever played after Pokemon Red and I've stuck with the series to this day. It's one of the most fun multiplayer games there is, and it's th game I have the most fun playing with friends.

Or, well, it USED to be, until I played against Raven.

I hate to be a sore loser, and I probably sound like a whiney bitch right now, but I find it really hard to enjoy playing a game with someone when I always lose, and usually pretty badly at that. I don't want to win every time or even most of the time, I just want it to be at least some of the time. And before you argue that I've won against him before, let me make it perfectly clear that that ONLY happens when he goes easy on me, and even then it doesn't always happen, so in my book, that's not a real victory.

Now, I'm not throwing a temper tantrum because I want to be better at the game than him, by any means. I know full and well that will never happen. All I want is for us to be on an even playing field so I can enjoy playing one of my favorite games again with one of my best friends. But, the way it's looking, that will probably also never happen, despite my best efforts. I dunno, maybe I'll keep trying, but so far, it seems like every time I make a little bit of improvement, he makes just as much and I end up back where I started. It just has me really upset and I don't know what to do except admit defeat and stop playing.

So, yeah. Sorry for the vent art.

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    Maybe... don't play competitively? Or make your friend take some kind of handicap. If you can't play against each other and not have it be a total slaughter, that's not the game's fault, it's both you and your friend's fault for not finding some sort of compromise where they can still feel challenged and you can still feel like you stand a chance.

    And if you really can't work together to find a way to do that, maybe you need to play against other people, do more 3+ player matches, or play cooperatively. My boyfriend can kick my butt handily 1v1 in Smash because he's a much better fighting game player and he plays a lot of Smash online, but we have a lot of fun going online on the Wii U version and playing 2 vs 2 matches. Even when we end up losing a lot, we don't take the game too seriously and we just have fun trying to beat the other teams.

    And really, in the end, Smash shouldn't be about winning or losing. I don't think games in general should be about that. There's not much point to playing this sort of game if you're not having fun.

    • Link

      The problem with playing with a handicap is, again, that's not a real victory. I also already don't play competitively, and neither does he. I can't play cooperatively with him because we live very far apart (2 player online can only be used with someone in the same room as you) and neither of us enjoys 3+ player matches nearly as much as 1v1 anyway.

      And yes, I understand games are not about winning or losing, they are about enjoying yourself. But like I said, that becomes very hard to do when I'm losing EVERY SINGLE TIME.

  • Link

    You're a yoshi player no? If you want you could look up strategies on how to use him at his maximum. Yoshi can be an annoying enemy to go up against. I gave you advice on him before. gain and keep determination, as cheesy as that sounds. The ONLY reason I've gotten good with megman, is because people said he's not good. Watch how you play, watch how he plays, and find out any weaknesses in his strategies. Train yourself, do 1v1 on lvl 9 CPU's. and if you REALLY want to, it sounds like getting an amiibo is good. At first, you teach it how to fight, but soon, it'll start kicking your ass, and maybe you might learn something new. Just some suggestions from someone who knows how you feel.

  • Link

    Don't worry, I'm a sore loser as well, In RTS games if I lose one battle, to me it's as if I lost already. I find encouragement from my mates and friends.

  • Link

    Super Smash Bros can be a very frustrating game sometimes, but don't let it get to you. Everybody has their weaknesses and strengths. I was a horrible player back in Melee, but when Brawl and Smash 4 came out, I realized that I've improved a whole lot, and it's all because of all the matches I played with my friends, and played all the different modes. If you practice enough, and challenge yourself in all the different game modes, like Classic, All-Star, and Event, you'll become a very experienced fighter. You might surprise yourself over how much you've improved with a couple of sessions of classic mode. From one Yoshi player to another, don't give up just yet. :)

    • Link

      Classic Mode 9.0 isn't even a challenge to me anymore, save for Master Fortress, and that's hard for entirely different reasons.

      • Link

        Dang! I wish I was that good to have Classic 9.0 not be a challenge lol. I hate Master Fortress! That's the most annoying finale in existence. They expect you to go in there knowing I can't get through Master Core without losing at least one life. x.x