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Enlai by Veltress



Finished out another one of these!  They are pretty quick since I already have the rough sketches done for posing and such.  Also I taught myself to make repeating texture with this!  Drawing so many scales is tedious, so I drew a nice sized block, and made a repeating texture of it, and voila! Hand drawn scales all over that arn't a pain to do C:  (I am so proud)  Will help tons with my other kirin refs, I always fell to burnt out after all the scales to do another kirin.

Anyways!  Enlai is one of my golden kirins, and up until now the only one that had been created was Jaded-Night 's Yue.  Funny how BOTH of the golden kirin characters are considered "bad" shifts for my kirin stuff.  Clashy/gaudy colours or markings are not ok, and individuals with them are generally outcast as soon as they shift (which is in the 12-14 old rage, ouch!)  So, pretty to non-kirins, hideous to all the other kirins really.  

Oh well, I like his neat freak-patterning anyways C:

Art & Design (c) Veltress
My Kirin design is not an open one.  I do not allow characters based off of them, I have actually created each one myself, and only share with Jaded-Night as I trust her to follow the ultra specific rules and complexities that come with them.

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    This is a cool concept! Your description of their selectiveness regarding markings sort of reminds me of koi- where out of a batch of thousands, there may only be a few considered pristinely marked enough to be worth anything. Granted, that might be the inverse number wise- I'm not sure how many individuals out of the population of kirins are deemed unsatisfactory!

    In any case, though, man I love these colors. Wonderful markings!

    • Link

      Oh wow, I hadn't really known the connection with koi breeding, that's really neat! Thank you for pointing that out to me :) Since the kirins have been around a while, and they pretty much boot unfavorable markings and colours out of breeding quickly its more often that they do not happen, however they do exist (obviously). However there is preferred colours, which would closely match the koi example (pale/gold/red/black, with pale being the most desired), though even of those you may have occurrences like this character, which are too poorly marked to be desirable at all.

      Thank you! I thought it would be interesting to have a character where inside his culture is considered "ugly/shameful" however to any outsider this would be very beautiful. I don't know why, I just kind of like the space where cultural views are very different.