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Painting Nails Present by Veldor

Painting Nails Present


Verim is rummaging through a basket in his new stall. It is his and Giran's first day in Elgado and they haven't had any downtime until now. First, they had to attend the welcoming ceremony. Then everyone was brought to their places where they could stay for this expedition. Only for them to quickly hurry towards the information meeting next. Verim sighs, thinking about how boring the meeting was. The discussion mostly went about the three lords itself and how one could best fight against them. However, he and Giran were on scout duty, so it wasn't their task to pick a fight with one of those monsters. It is a shame that the area that they had to scout and the monsters living there were quickly skimmed over during the meeting, so he didn't receive a lot of information for his upcoming duty. Verim did pay close attention when Garangolm was the topic of the discussion. Since Garangolm was most active in the area that Verim and Giran had to spend most of their time in the next coming weeks.

His thoughts came to a halt when he found what he was looking for. He grabbed the pouch and left the stables to look for Giran. After wandering around Elgado for a while, Verim found him at the training grounds in the area that was used for wirebug training. All riders were given the option to equip themselves with those weird little bugs and train with them for the upcoming quests. And Giran was one of the few who took up the offer. Verim looked up towards the platforms and walls that his friend was practicing on. While his stance was the same as the hunters who performed the demonstration, the speed and the distance that Giran was able to travel was rather lacking.

Once Giran was on the base ground level again, he began to remove all the equipment for the wirebugs from his armour and replaced it with his own thrust worthier slinger. He returned the equipment to the hunter who was overseeing the trainings ground. "Were they not to your liking rider?" "They were quite interesting to work with, but I think that it is best to stick with my old techniques and equipment for now. Maybe when the stakes are lower will I try them again." Giran replied. After saying his goodbye to the hunter, he looked around. "I could have sworn that I saw Verim here somewhere while going down." He muttered. "Maybe he got bored and went back to ..."

Verim let out a loud 'HONK' once he managed to sneak up on Giran's back again. He watched with a big grin how the rider jumped up with his arms stiff alongside his body out of fright. Verim quickly wiped his grin of his face once the rider turned around. "There you are. I was already wondering where you went. Did you manage to settle in your new stall?" Giran asked. Verim honked affirmative before showing the pouch that he was carrying with him. "Ah, yes of course, might as well do that now while we still have time." Giran responds. "I saw a nice place at the top when I finished the racetrack for the wirebugs. Maybe we can sit there? We can walk around the training grounds to reach it." Verim kneels in response, gesturing Giran to get on. Once Giran has climbed on the back of the Velocidrome, he speaks. "Okay to get there, we need to go off the grounds and to the left then ... Uhm Verim, are you sure? We don't have your saddle with us." He continues when he sees that Verim isn't heading for the exit, but towards the start of the racetrack. Verim throws back his head and lets out a worriless coo, knowing that nothing will go wrong while picking up the pace.

Arriving at the start of the track Verim does not hesitate before making his first jumps in quick succession. Leaping from platform to platform and running across the walls of the track. Passing both trainee and experienced hunters who are racing over the track. Verim makes one last jump towards the finish line and sets a few steps to get from the platform back on the grass. Looking at his rider he twitters happily, that wasn't so bad right? Meanwhile Giran has both of his arms wrapped around Verim's neck while hanging far on the right side of the Velocidrome's back. "No, that wasn't so bad." he begins, before erupting into a laughter. "You should have seen the faces off those hunters while you were passing them at triple their speed! They looked completely flabbergasted". He descends from his friend's back and walks towards the place he had seen earlier to remove his equipment. Once done Verim gives him the pouch and sits on the grass. Giran takes place between his legs and dips the brush into the bottle of nail polish.

While painting the claws of the Velocidrome he suddenly thinks about how absurd this situation is for most people. Here he is, sitting between the legs of a large bird wyvern that could send him flying with just one kick. While painting claws that could easily pierce trough his chest and exit at his back with their length. Those who never heard of riders would believe him to be a madman, for how calmly he is sitting right now. He smiles. Verim lowers his head, wondering what is so funny. "Oh no, it is nothing." Giran responds. "I just remembered how happy I am that I got the chance to become a rider, and that I took that chance." Still unsure what exactly made Giran smile, Verim sits upright again, looking at Elgado while Giran paints his nails. Tomorrow their duties will begin, but right now, they can still enjoy the calm evening with each other.

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Visual / Digital