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Gaia's Smartphone The J-Phone by Vangabond

Gaia's Smartphone The J-Phone


The J-Phone is made by Windbrook Enterprises, a tech company behind Gaia’s technology including the manufacturing of weapons and their famous starships.

The Picture is the 13th generation of the J-Phone aka the J-Phone 13, having basic communication and navigation apps built into it’s programming. It can fit over a thousand contacts, and can contact anyone in the universe (to an extent), with good front and back cameras to take pictures with.

The J-Phone is the size of a normal smartphone, with it appearing very similar to an iphone 7.

The J-Phone line has the unique power of using Magic as a cellphone network, as the planet of Gaia has a natural Magic Field around it.

Lastly the J-Phone has another feature, it can sync a Phone number by activating it’s share contact feature, it’s also programed to work with any other smartphone in the universe.
-if someone from Gaia activates the Share Contact mode with someone from earth, the person from earth will see it’s a blank number but will see the owner of the J-Phone.
-Long planet calling relies on magic, meaning how strong the force of magic is that day is the cell phone signal.
-The J-Phone mimics phone signals on other planets, meaning if someone from earth calls someone with a J-phone it will read as a local number when they call them and vice versa.
-The people from Gaia don’t have social media on their homeworld, meaning the phone will look very bare bones and boring to someone from earth.
-The Phone is only used for communication

(should have posted this sooner but i ran out of time)

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