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[VF2014] - GOH - FoxCloset / Zay by VancouFur

[VF2014] - GOH - FoxCloset / Zay


Zay and Wolever - Fox Closet (Wolever portrait coming soon!)

This year at VancouFur we are proud to continue our tradition of bringing in Guests of Honour who both contribute and help those around them and have yet to have the chance to be honoured by our community. We are proud to announce that this years Guests of Honour are Zay and Wolever, Suit and Craft makers from their company "Fox Closet" in Alberta, Canada!

Zay has been crafting for most of her life. She took fashion design and production in school, where she learned many of her skills including pattern drafting. She made her first fursuits (2 black and orange cats for halloween) in 2005 and has been making suits and whatever else catches her fancy ever since. She has recently added an embroidery machine to her collection, and has been learning how to digitize files to make fun thread art and embroidery. Zay likes to dabble in many things; soap, candle and beauty product making, drawing, sculpting and painting...anything that looks like a fun challenge. She loves the DIY community, and how you can learn new things and trade information. Her partner, Wolever, provides...motivational nagging ;) "I bounce ideas off of him and he is moral support. I think I managed to get him to cut some minky fabric strips once, lol!"

Find out more about out Guests here:

Art by Temrin

Submission Information

Visual / Digital