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Rose, No by uropygid

Rose, No


Rose This Is A Single Occupancy Garment

Amagire: rose has been hittiing the homemade sauce again, I suspect.

uropygid: definitely. I imagine their approach to interspecies sex the first time was for Kanaya to quietly do her best to research human genitals and Rose to overthink it and get drunk (again)

uropygid: Rose winds up passing out face-down in Kanaya's crotch 10 minutes into it

Amagire: Kanaya didn't remember reading anything about that particular human sexual response, but she takes it in stride, up to the point where Rose begins snoring.

Edited to add the most glorious comment ever [from another site on this image]:

"I couldn't help but overhear you mentioning that that is a single occupancy piece, and I totally respect your need for boundaries and self-actualization, but I worry that calling it occupancy for only one person might be hurtful slander to those who might entertain the notion of more than one person occupying such a garment, and furthermore it could lead to even worse ponderings because what if by single it is actually a metaphor for being for only one type of person, which branches off into separating races, genders, and all that. Of course, I'm glad I could be here to catch you saying that before you actually accidentally end up saying that to someone else. Being such a mellow and good friend, I would never take something like that, said irresponsibly but without harm intended, to heart. There's no need for thanks, it's well enough that I help the kin of my friends acclimate to socially acceptable in a politically correct manner. </kankri>"

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