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A World Felt Through Soft Fabric by Unownace

A World Felt Through Soft Fabric



There's actually a very specific reason why I always draw and write Amelia wearing those gloves and tights (aside from the fact that it makes her look so gosh-darn cute, of course. XD) That being, it serves as both a metaphor of her character AND as a significant PART of her actual character.

Almost all her life, as far back as she can remember, those gloves have been a part of her day-to-day outfit. The only times she'd ever take then off was to change into clean clothes or to bathe, meaning nearly everything she's ever touched aside from her own fur has been through a soft, comfortable fabric, shielding her paws from the true textures of everything around her.

Likewise for almost all her life until she was kidnapped by rebels she'd been sheltered from the harshness of the outside world and raised in a bubble of ignorance and luxury. Due to this, she finds it very hard to adapt to living outside of the comfort zone of her home having to face the reality of life, and even still she refuses to remove her gloves unless she has to, simply because the feel and texture of the real world is just to jarring for her to not feel at odds with it. Much like if someone is born blind, and then suddenly in their mid teens are given an implant that can let them see in full colour detail, they often have panic attacks and nausea just because the experience is so alien to them.

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