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Games I have been playing, part 6 by Unimpressive

Games I have been playing, part 6


Holy crap here's a comic I meant to finish like five months ago. And in all that time I forgot what I wanted to say about all of these games.

Tales of Graces f: I really felt like this game wanted badly to skewer the whole moe trend, with its main character abandoning his family and responsibilities out of desperation to be a protector for a girl who didn't appear to need one, but someone must have realised that was the entire target audience for Tales games, so it wasn't allowed. And then it eventually just threw its hands up in the air and said 'fine, fine, just have an environmentalist parable', just like Vesperia. Fun game, though. Great subsystems.

Vagrant Story: I've been on a Yasumi Matsuno kick ever since I picked this up. You can probably expect a Tactics Ogre panel in the next comic, when I finish it some time in 2017.

Dragon's Crown: With ukTemperance ukTemperance, FuramiT, and Marderschaden Marderschaden. Yeah, I know, I know, but it's really fun. It helps that I have a basically bottomless appetite for scrolling beat-em-ups.

Alundra: I maintain that Alundra is the secret best Zelda. I've definitely got a soft spot for goofy Working Designs localisations, though.

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  • Link

    If the Tactics Ogre panel doesn't star a big hunky lizard guy I will be very disappointed in you

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      I finally just recruited more and more lizards until my ranks were full. Then I fired people to make more room for lizards.

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  • Link

    ouch. X3
    heh Marderschaden is looking good in that witches outfit =P

    • Link

      Isn't he the prettiest!

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        He is. <3

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          Out of the four of us, three of us picked female characters. I'm surprised no-one went for the Fighter!

          (My favorites will always be the Elf (TAKEN) and the Amazon (TAKEN), hence why I went with the Witch/Sorceress.)

          • Link

            X3 I've never played Dragon's Crown, It looks interesting.

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    I played Vagrant Story and Alundra. Those images made me chuckle and brought back so many painful memories. ^.^

  • Link

    freaking alundraaaaaaa also totally agree on vagrant x3

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    I really need to play Alundra.

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      It will make you curse and rage so much. I highly recommend it.

      (I also highly recommend somebody send Arin a copy, because dear god I would love to hear his rage explosions.)

  • Link

    Been a while since you did those comic strips. I miss your suggestions~

    Still gotta give Alundra a spin

    • Link

      It has been a while, hasn't it? I haven't been playing very inspiring games, I guess. There was Resident Evil 6, but that pretty well makes fun of itself.