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Games I have been playing, part 2 by Unimpressive

Games I have been playing, part 2


Zone of the Enders: My aim is terrible! It's almost like I'm some kid that stumbled blindly into a cockpit instead of a real pilot.

Borderlands: Featuring Ween! At one point we had to hack our characters to drop ten levels just to make the combat slightly challenging again. It didn't help keep our interest, though; this game really runs out of steam.

Ancient Land of Ys: The DOS port. I was expecting this game to be absolutely awful from what I heard about its "run into enemies and hope they die before you do" combat, but it's actually pretty fun! You just have to attack from an angle to avoid getting mauled. The last dungeon is a total cock, though.

Etrian Odyssey III: You have to chase Narmer around and sneak up behind him just to engage him in the first place. After you've knocked his health bar down about halfway he runs away so you have to chase him down again except there's a ton of minibosses in the way now that will probably massacre you. Once you catch him he'll disappear underground every few rounds and throw up a bunch of decoy holes for you to attack, and if you don't catch him in two rounds the resulting quake is pretty much a TPK. This is the first boss. I am so excited to see what's coming up.

EcoQuest 2: I didn't realize this as a kid, but the little fruit bat in this game pretty much fills the "damsel in distress" role. You rescue her multiple times and you get a kiss from her at the end. Awww!

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  • Link

    ahaha this comic is SO CUTE

    • Link

      Thanks! And oh man your icon is adorable.

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    I dunno how the game did it, but it took punching guys so hard they EXPLODE and made it boring somehow.

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    Echo Quest 2 is one of my favorite games from when i was a kid

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      I have fond memories of obsessively scanning every animal and sniggering at "cock-of-the-rock".