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"I won't go down without a fight..." by Unex

"I won't go down without a fight..."


Thaillon greatly underestimated the power of the invader in his forest. Seemingly cornered at the edge of a cliff to the great Valley of Moonlight behind him, Thaillon took his trusty Crystal Spear to aid in this battle. Losing isn't an option to the great forest guardian.

I'd wanted to draw Thaillon's weapon for quite a while, and only now got around to actually designing it. It's basically a double crystal spear. Its crystals are as hard as steel and can easily pierce through Thaillon's enemies.

The crystals are also a special kind that can retain a certain level of essence in them. Thaillon just has to touch them to fill them with the essence flowing through the forest air, and then he can take his weapon with essence-filled crystals to urban settings if needed. This is good so Thaillon's powers can be greater even if there's not much nature where he is, such as a big city, although this isn't usually something he has to do.

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  • Link

    Great job! What weapon is that?

    • Link

      Thanks! It's Thaillon's double crystal spear. Not only is it an efficient melee weapon, but it also allows Thaillon's power to be great even when he's not around much nature.

      • Link

        Cool weapon. I wonder where Thaillon crystal spear can be sold.