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Dream Creature: Skutler by UlteriorMachinations

Dream Creature: Skutler


Numbers have been omitted from the title because I'm completely overhauling my dream bestiary to add a couple extra critters here and there. Previously posted dream creatures will have their numbers updated once I'm finished

Throughout my twenty-five years of existence, I've had countless vivid dreams, many of which manifest some seriously twisted, surreal landscapes, characters, and creatures. I didn't even know dream journaling was a thing until a couple years ago when I ran across several databases online. Now I'm not one who really subscribes to the idea that dreams have any mystical qualities whatsoever, but I consider what my brain pieces together while I sleep to be one of the most raw forms of creativity I can muster. So I thought that making a detailed illustrated bestiary of dream creatures was a worthwhile endeavor

Skutler (01/13/15)
Part of an entourage of mutated creatures encountered carrying a treasure chest into a wooded area, Skutler noticed me peeking over the bushes I was hiding in and charged over to confront me. The scream he made was disturbingly reminiscent of that made by The Thing (1982), a vain attempt to scare me and the pair of dream-generated companions away from their operation. For some reason I put a lot of focus on the way his face split and the double rows of fangs he displayed but after he had said his piece I told him to buzz off, which he complied to rather dejectedly.
A detail I omitted for the sake of anatomical reference was the unbuttoned plaid shirt he had draped on like the 90's rocker I guess he thought he was.
He's name Skutler because he scuttles, geddit??
...I'll show myself out.

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional