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Chase by Tzologeist



’ve got a boat load of art projects that I want to work on, and I want to work on ALL of them, but that’s pretty much impossble. I was browsing a web site when an image there made me remember a dream I had a couple night ago but forgot about, and I decided that now is as good a time as any to initiate my one image one (or two) words dream related art project that I have been wanting to do.

Dreams have been a favorite subject of mine for a really long time now, but with a very busy life I don’t have as much time to dedicate to recording them and honoring them like I used to, and I always feel better when I keep on top of that, and I thought drawing them might be a good way to keep them in my mind, since I never have enough time to draw, either. GOSH, if only I was independently wealthy!

I don’t really remember anything about this particular dream except that I was trying to catch someone, and I thought a good way to catch them was turning into a pterodactyl, or something like it. Shape changing is among my dream super powers, but usually I don’t change into a flying dinosaur. Usually I change into something else, or just change my appearance, usually to avoid conflict with other dream characters. I have recorded, I think, about ten or so past incidents where I turn into the same kind of monster.

Anyway, this will be my first installment of this particular art project. I also have my One Piece astrology chart I want to finish, which is taking way longer than I wanted it to. I also want to re-do some of the ones I already did. I also am working on a new Anime Guy and Dino Buddy page (I penciled it and now need to ink it), I have an art trade, and there are two drawings I have started that I want to finish as well. I had better just do them one at a time or I will drive myself crazy. MUST DRAW!

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Visual / Traditional