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Icon Comish - My Side of the Mountain by TwilightSaint

Icon Comish - My Side of the Mountain


DeviantArt | FurAffinity | Tumblr | Twitter | YouTube | FlightRising | LiveStream | FaceBook | Sniper FaceBook | FurryNetwork | Instagram | Telegram - TwilightSaint | Skype - TwilightSaint Muzafr

Painted Icon Commission for GrowlingMadGulo over on FurAffinity featuring the wolverine, Ire!

Wolveriiiines! These guys and badgers are among my favourite animals, so I was super excited to get to work on this guy, especially in realistic as a shading style as fully Lineless! All that floof gave my fur-painting skills a workout, hehe, but I love how it turned out! I wanted to make him a little extra poofy, like his fur is standing on end as he snarls at an intruder in his territory~ I'm also really happy with how the slate blue of the background contrasts with the rust colours of his fur, but not too much. :D

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Thanks, Gulo!