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2016 in Review by Turquoisephoenix

2016 in Review


Unlike the previous years where there'd be an improvement spike, the improvement over this year was a bit more subtle. I've been playing with how I do my ink work and how I do my various textures, as well as shuffling how I work on my pictures a bit to change it up, so as a result, the things in the last four boxes read as less blurry than the first three pictures.

Also FIVE of these boxes is Spyro fanart, good god. I realize it's because I was doing that self-imposed "Spyro 1 boss revamp challenge" but I really need to give some other franchise a chance.

I am pretty amused at the November and December choices though.

I really slowed down this year because of work giving me more hours and me still not figuring out a good system balancing work time and drawing time. If I work a 40 hour work week, that means I can't really do anything except on the weekends and I really need to fine-tune that.

Next year I'm really pushing myself to submit more, I've really been slow this year, and I didn't even have the excuse of moving to really slow me down. Stress-wise, I've actually been doing pretty great.

Submission Information

Visual / Other