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OC-Benjamin Thorn in both human and lizard flavors by Turquoisephoenix

OC-Benjamin Thorn in both human and lizard flavors


Oh right, I actually have original characters! Sorry you guys haven't seen them in a while even though he's in my icon and all!

Welcome back, Dr. Benjamin Brier Thorn! Where have you been, you big toothy jerk?

For those who don't know this guy, this is Dr. Benjamin Brier Thorn, a self-proclaimed genius at both botany and herpetology and is also secretly a giant lizard. An accident with some chemicals (because that's usually how it goes) basically rendered his DNA very unstable, and exposure to sunlight or UV rays turns him into a giant snarly science lizard.
He's still "sentient" in his lizard form, but he's also more violent, a little more unhinged in it, and makes more rash decisions in that form. Ben in human form will use sarcasm, while Ben in lizard form uses his teeth.

Ben still considers himself human even though he's clearly not. They're...defects.

Also, because he turns into a lizard in sunlight, he basically leads a night owl lifestyle and gets really mad when businesses close at six. He typically wakes up at around 2 pm and spends at least 30 minutes in the bathroom styling his hair in that ridiculous look, because Ben thinks he's a trendsetter, goshdernit. (no, that hair is not natural, he styles it)

In short, he's a mutant scientist that is kinda a reverse werewolf. Was fun to draw him again, though!

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