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Rostok (Ambient Inebriation) by TujomaMusaki

Rostok (Ambient Inebriation)


I first started drawing this shortly after coming back from Anthrocon, and was then interrupted twice only by a lingering sense of the con-goer blues and my unplanned visit to Conneticon the week thereafter. Basically, it was meant to encapsulate just how I felt shortly after the con was effectively over, and how I felt for a day or two in getting home on both occasions. All in all, it's a picture of smaller scale compared to what I usually go for in uploading, but I like how it came out. A sort of mesh between my old and new style of shading, all in one.

Tujo finds himself in an altogether unlikely place, having left the Pitt and traveled due east several thousand miles away. With the aged infrastructure of an industrial yards structure still standing, he takes refuge in a small basement, only to be treated to vodka served in a cracked and fractured glass. Sitting by his lonesome at the bar, he is left to his own divergent thoughts as he stares distantly against the opposite wall and takes in the surrounding ambiance as it unfolds around him. The soothing sounds of a beauteous womans voice sings in melancholic fashion against an adjoining retinue of instruments of foreign origins, the words and lyrics lost to his sense of comprehension and deep thoughts. Most familiar of which is the tell-tale reverberations of a guitars strings, the player strumming in the staccato fashion against the rancorous roar of an over passing emission just outside.

I suspect what Tujo is really listening to are the illustrious locale speaking in rapid succession, over and over again, saying something to the effect of the following:

“I said come in, don't stand there..!” “You can't go there!” “Dammit, if only someone would help me..” “Still alive? That's good..” “My information may well be of use to you, STALKER. I always have something interesting for people like you..” “How did I manage that..?”

Between it all, he cannot help but stare off into oblivion as a placeless look remains folded across his face, sullen and stoic in expression and temperament as he cradles his fractured glass. The touch of drink has influenced his mind as tangent thoughts cycle one after another, and he is left to contemplate his next mode of action. Go forth, or remain, but for how long would he remain in such a place as this? Surrounded by no one but strangers in an altogether unfamiliar and foreign place, the furthest he's ever been from everything he had ever known and loved..

But yeah. This was the first time I've ever ventured to go to two cons back to back for two weekends in a row. And I honestly don't regret that decision, thinking about it now. It's weird how con-going's been a recurring theme with me for the past three or so years, but hey. I've worn it well with what costumes I could cobble together, then and now. Right now, I'm more interested to see what Otakon, FA United, and Furacalypse will bring in the coming months, but hey. I figure they'll be just as fun as Katsucon, Anthrocon, and Anime Boston were, if not better. I guess here's looking to the rest of you if I happen to run into you there in the coming days..

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Visual / Digital