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(1998) Fever Badge by Tremaine

(1998) Fever Badge


Drawn in 1998. At the time, I was dating another artist called Jaguarundi (or "Jag" for short). One of her characters was a kitsune named Fever.

For those of you just now getting into coloring, don't use Burn and Dodge to shade and highlight your art in Photoshop. It's way better to use your color picker for shading and highlights!

I recall being fascinated at the time to fill the background with color and do neat things with it with Filters. Yes, filters do incredible things, but it's truly best to use them sparingly. I remember people complaining about overuse of lens flares back in the day; in retrospect, it kind of goes for all filters. I think the idea is that if your filter calls more attention to it than the art, it's probably being used inappropriately. This piece feels a bit busy because of overuse of filters, and I am finding my eye being a bit unsure of what to look at.

No roleplaying in the comments, please.

Please ONLY credit the art to "Tremaine" or "Tremaine H. Fox" and a link to the image page.

Once I am done uploading art up through 2011, this account will become a static, archival account.

To see my current art, please follow me on the accounts below!
Furaffinity: ArrJaySketch (SFW) and ArrJayAfterDork (NSFW)
InkBunny: ArrJaySketch (SFW) and ArrJayAfterDork (NSFW)
SoFurry: ArrJaySketch (SFW) and ArrJayAfterDork (NSFW)
Weasyl: ArrJaySketch ArrJaySketch (SFW) and ArrJayAfterDork ArrJayAfterDork (NSFW)

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