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Empty Streets by Tiido

Empty Streets

Empty Streets


There's nothing but empty streets lit by orange lights around, you gaze into distance and think "what next ?"

This is once again an older composition of mine, and for a competiton held by a chap called Little-Scale which prize was a MIDI interface he had been working on.
I did not win however and my tune was one of the few non "experimental" kind that did not have overly weird sounds to them... but one of such did win as I recall haha.

I imported the music file of my old sound system to my current tools and did an export, which means that drums sound a bit better than from real hardware with my old sound engine. I also tweaked the mix a little bit. YM2612 emulated in "full quality" mode where noise is vastly reduced.

Grab FLAC here :

Enjoy !

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Multimedia / Original Music


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    the perc is a bit awkward in the beginning but this is pretty fun to listen to; i definitely resonate with the imagery here

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      Due to limits of the hardware and my sound driver the tune was mode for, I could only have 2 percussion sounds play at the same time. That has imposed quite some limits on how I can play a certain sound without cutting off another.
      Thänk you for the comment :)

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    Lol I was listening to this and right as it ended, a police siren started wailing off from the highway. I thought it was the song at first and it sounded like a cool way to end it. xD I don't have much else intelligent to say about it!

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      Haha, what a coincidence !