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Braixen compilation by tigerlilylucky

Braixen compilation


I apologized I haven't finished this like I said a long time ago, but here it is some of my friend's braixen ocs along with 4 of mine added. Now I wanted to do a braixen artwork of comparing all of them in different style, fur, legs, and eye choices, yeah the mouth, nose, are nearly exactly the same but I just wanted to show the the variety. Yeah all but Arnie are females, I could've add Aldric but I had no room and I wanted to finish this before the end of December.

Also to let you know, all 4 of them are currently are braixen; the three below are delphoxes before but are braixens in this picture so I could to make a comparison as braixens with the braixens above.

Aphrodite, I can imagine is just a gorgeous braixen and as her namesake is a beautiful vixen to the eye of a beholder. I also made her the tallest vixen not just because of her tails telling how old she is; I just imagined being part ninetails are consider proud, clever, and would stand tall before their opponents. Again I go forward with the idea of making her a beautiful vixen as her artist portrayed her as.

Felicity, is a cute vixen. The nicest vixen you'll ever met, not the kind of Pokemon that judge the book by it's cover(example her mate being a quilladin) she has quite the fluff on her fur aside from Ringo. And can sing just as equally well with Aphrodite.

Mori...the mother of Racheal, Veronica, and Aldric. She's the vixen with elegance and is a heart breaker. She has a black dot on her right side, same for Aldric and Veronica. Racheal's black dot is opposite which is on the left side. Both Mori and Racheal have shorter cheek tufts.

Arnie II the son of Racheal and Apollo. He actually has talons on his feet and is more hairer of the bunch. And the only braixen here that has blue eyes which comes from his own father. He wears his mother's hoodie.(she got another hoodie only was given from Apollo) His fur is always messy and was never brushed or combed. He's very energetic and enthusiastic like his own father but will always try to think if there's a problem that he cannot solve.

Ringo one of my friend's oc delphox who is a braixen for this picture, she is a lot more fluffier and carries a staff. She has much more wide eyes and her legs are slightly bigger than the rest as a braixen.

Racheal, the delphox er braixen that I cared to love. She's a leader of 6 the Pokemon Linear has on her team, and sometimes can be unsure of her capability but managed to be the big sister of the group so far. She is also the mother of Arnie when she was delphox, and is the daughter of Mori. Racheal's half younger sister is Veronica and has a half older brother named Aldric. Racheal's cheeks tufts are small as Mori's.

Veronica throughout her life as fennekin to delphox is a fashion contest Pokemon. Her trainer being in rough situation as a tailor decided to promote her clothing line by entering her Pokemon in fashion contest which can either go bad or good as their rival is always two steps ahead of her. Veronica has very little to no split furs on her fur, and she does have a much darker eyeliner and wears a makeup for her fashion. Oh and Veronica has much longer cheek tufts.

Felicity(c) Jadebutterfly:
Mori, Arnie II, Racheal, Veronica (c) Tigerlilylucky

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