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CG Commission - TireaTsamsiyu 4 by TideKeeper

CG Commission - TireaTsamsiyu 4


In which Sanon and Aean sneak into the RDA compound.

Characters belong to TireaTsamsiyu.
Avatar and the Na'vi belong to James Cameron.
Do not steal them. You're likely to get an ill-fitted shoe flung at you.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    Cool, but the huge watermark isn't really necessary... it makes it hard to enjoy the picture. :(

    • Link

      I'm sorry you feel that way, but I always watermark any work that I submit online.

      This image in particular (along with the others in the commissioned series) was specifically requested to have the character ownership credits clearly visible in the watermark; I'm always happy to provide a bit more discouragement of theft/redistribution at a commissioner's request.

      • Link

        I took a look through your gallery, and the huge watermarks smack-dab in the middle of your pics just look bad. You really don't need to do that, I promise lol. put it at the bottom like most other people do maybe? it's just so obnoxious. x3

        • Link

          Again, I'm sorry you feel that way, but after having gone through some unpleasant experiences back when my watermarks were less obnoxious/ugly/however else you care to refer to them, I don't plan on changing how I protect my work from theft and redistribution.

          I don't know why you, as an artist yourself, would harass any artist over wanting to protect their work, but my best guess is that you've never experienced having something you created stolen by someone else. I'm truly happy for you if that's the case, and I sincerely hope that you never experience that for yourself.

          It was kind of you to express an interest in seeing a cleaner/less watermarked versions of my work for the sake of enjoying the art itself, and for that much I thank you--that's very flattering. But I simply don't feel comfortable with making it any easier for thieves to take my work and do with it as they see fit, and I'll only ask you to try to understand that.

          • Link

            I just want to ask you -- how many others do you see that watermark like this? A well placed signature will do the same thing and art thieves get noticed very quickly, so, again, this really isn't necessary. But you can keep doing it if you want. It's just on the unprofessional side.

            • Link

              Thanks for your advice and the interest, I'll keep that in mind.