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Myrskara by TideKeeper



C'mon, Thorne. You'll never make any friends if you can't learn how to smile without looking like you're thinking of eating someone's face.

Gotta keep those thoughts to yourself, buddy.

Myrskara/Thorne belongs to TideKeeper.

Do not steal him. Getting flung out of an airlock isn't much fun.

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Visual / Digital


  • Link

    this is cool lookin/ I thought at first he was wearing some kind of metal armor on his hand, until I read the tags. Guessing its cyborg arm? Also assuming he's with the same race as Keeba x3

    I really like his ear, the way it is all beat up..... you didn't eat it did you :V

    • Link

      Haha, yep; he's got a cybernetic hand and one of his tails is too.

      And you're right on the money--in fact, this is Keeba's father. :)

      Nah, I didn't chew his ear; that's a mixture of battle-scars and self-inflicted tears. :P

      • Link

        by self inflicted do you mean to some masochistic extent or something a little more.... broodier, cause i know how that is =p any these guys are awsumsaws. at first it took me a few minutes to warm up to them, they are different from anything i've ever (personally) seen but the more i see the more i think you made an awesome race! you did make them right? xD

        • Link

          It's something cultural; he did it to show his loyalty to someone he deeply cared for. But yes, these guys came from my head--they be my brainkids. :D

          I'm really glad you like them, thank you! :3

          • Link

            that's cool =x I wouldn't have thought about that... maybe if i was locked in a room with a lot of cigarettes and energy drinks..... the ear thing i mean! Do you mind if I use that concept for myself sometime? (I'm writing a book and blah blah blah) I cannot imagine WHEN I would need it but I cannot help but think it is completely plausible.... x3

            Of course I don't need to use it at all so I hope i'm not crossing any lines by asking =x

            • Link

              Haha well, I didn't exactly come up with that idea. I think the most notable example of ear-mutilation as a show of one's feelings for someone else would be Mr. Vincent Van Gogh. :P All I did was take a note from that idea and incorporate it into the culture of a race. I can't really stop you from doing the same, though if you're really that deadset on using my version of the concept, erm... I would be happier if you maybe drew influence from it instead of completely copying it, if that makes sense.

              • Link

                Ah yes, Van Gogh xD I knew about that but i didn't think about it for this particular instance. Funny how old irrelevant things like that can provide inspiration. I honestly don't know what I would use it for. I mentioned it because the prominent race for the first book is catling (how original woo, lol) Cats - ripped up ears, seems to walk hand in hand. I'm still trying to get a grasp on the ful-scope of this race, its culture and way of life, and i'm always looking to add, subtract, or modify ideas. I've never actually asked to use anyone's ideas before so that was a first. I'm sure I will have some kind of use for ripped up ears but I may not have need of it even remotely for the purpose of a show of loyalty or love. It may simply be battle scars =p Was just a thought x3