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Blahblahdoodleblahdumpblah by TheShaggyDragon



So as always Left to Right and then Top to Bottom

So first off! I am working on making Tropical drekir a little more enjoyable to draw and a little cooler. Mainly i am looking to feathered velociraptors for inspiration, making the feathers generally smaller and smoother with some bigger accentual feathers to look more like leaves, afterall the draconic term for tropical drekir is DrekirFijoldur. and Fijoldur means "leaves" in draconic since the sivilao don't have a frame of reference for feathers. so yeah i am going to be drawing tropical drekir like this, i think it makes em look better all in all.

Next up a guy with a Scrag, a Dragon rat. Since drekir are smaller and rats can get pretty big, and bigger thanks to being dragonified they can be a big deal to drekir. Either dangerous biters (i mean look at those teeth) but also a great food source. One Scrag is more than enough to feed a drek for a day so yeah, great food source!

So im working on mounts in the DragonScape, which are split between Donkeys, horses, and Lindir. This is a donkey, donkeys work nicely for drekir because they are smaller than horses (which are titanic compared to drekir) and actually faster than horses (which are far more lizard like) This makes donkeys a great animal for trained riders who work as messengers, couriers, stagecoach drivers, or even light cavalry and scouts.

It's a Feral Drek! So feral drekir are drekir who have, well, gone feral. Often after decades of relying on instincts they become more and more like wild animals and can be just as dangerous as wild animals. This one however is readying some acidic breath magic, which is a very simple discipline, simple enough to where even a feral drek can figure it out by accident. This was a requested drawing from the discord server and I am pretty happy with how this one turned out personally!

Another Tropical drek, this one with a good ol Slamfire shotgun, or Tumbera depending on where you are.

One more set of working on tropical drekir, these two presumably being hunters in the US Southeast haggling with a human research, trading blood for tech. I could see drekir taking advantage of the human desire to research drekir biology, often trading their dna, scales, feathers, blood and other biological stuff in exchange for things like human tablets, phones, computers, and other things that they miss from the days before the pulse.

Another discord requested drawing of a tropical drek spearfishing underwater, DrekirThaf (Tropical) can stay underwater for an immense amount of time thanks to their external gills, about 23-24 hours in fact before needing to resurface for some oxygen. This allows them to dive deep into the ocean to hunt some dragonfish deep in the open waters which is pretty great!

Finally these two characters are part of a new DragonScape campaign i am playing that is situated in newyork, the one on the left is a New Mexico raised drek who spent the past several years navigating her way up to New York, she is a breathrower mage. The other one is a caravan guard in New York who has been dragged into a conflict that he is certainly not into but, with his town needing him to help save them he swallows his disdain and has gotten to work with the party in question.

Shaggy out!

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