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Scribble comics from Anna land by TheScatterbrain

Scribble comics from Anna land


It's that time again.

Urgh, I kind of want this to be a thing even though I don't know where it'd... go. I mean, Buddy hates that little shit. In the event that he was once again the unluckiest person in the entire universe and this should happen, I don't see why he wouldn't run in the opposite direction really, really fast.
Sorry, I'm just speculating out loud about characters you people don't even know.

This reads terribly since I wanted to cram it into one page. Whateveeer, sketch comics.

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  • Link

    Haha, maybe he does turn around and run, but with his luck.. he'd probably end up in a bear trap or something.
    Also, yeeeey, my sweet lil punching bag :3 I've missed him.

    • Link

      Meh, he'd probably end up in the bear trap that is Anna u__u What's worse than a crazy bitch? Two crazy bitches.
      This is Anna's fault btw. She insists to be involved with every character ever and won't stop screaming about it until she has her way.

      • Link

        Hahaha X)
        Have you ever noticed that Cutie and Buddy is like.. Polar opposites?
        She's got all the fucking luck in the world, and can get away with almost any shit.
        He.. He probably just have to sit in the same spot for too long, and an asteroid will hit him or something.

        • Link

          Yeah, I've often thought about that. Cutie has always been insanely lucky, even before the Hellwalk days. I mean, awful things happen to her all the time, but considering how many awful things COULD have happened, she's just on a roll. It's that cat thing, except she has 500 lives to take from rather than 9.

          Hrm, but I feel like they're opposites in many other ways as well :I Buddy's kind of... all talk in many situations. Cutie very much isn't. Cutie will stab you in the neck with no warning. It bums me out a little that she hasn't had a chance to show that in Hellwalk since she keeps drawing the "weak little girl" card. Also, at the bottom of Buddy's angry little soul, or well you know whatever demons have, he's nice. I don't know how much capacity Cutie has for anything other than being bitter and selfish anymore.

          We really have a habit of making character duos that follow the total opposites theme X)

          • Link

            Yeah, considering where he was born and raised, its a fucking miracle that he can muster any kindness.
            He's a nice guy at heart, but lives a place where people are seen as tools used only for ones own amusement, and where being the meanest fucking asshole is rewarded.. while being nice gets you dead fast.
            They should have switched places : I Cutie would be a ten times better Wrath demon, and Buddy would be a pretty decent mortal.

            • Link

              Yeah, they're both examples of kids ruined by growing up in a terrible environment :/ Makes me sad.

              I guess Cutie is a lot more outwards reacting so she handles it better? I don't think she's a psychopath at all, she just copes by hurting people before they can hurt her. So in essence she has the "don't be nice or you'll be dead" mentality down to a T.

              But then, you can't really beat being sold into slavery by your own family, as I suppose is still what happened to Buddy. He gets the gold medal for shittiest childhood. No wonder the boy is kind of messed up.

              • Link

                Yeah, that is still the plan :C
                Oh how we love to pain our babbys. At this point I'm not really sure I have any character with a happy childhood?

                • Link

                  Erh, maybe Duncan was okaay..? But no I can't think of anyone else XD

                  • Link

                    Well, it wasn't the biggest abuse in the world, but still.
                    Forcing the poor fellow to be something he's really really not?

  • Link

    Right, Cutie is a psycho. But also a bad shot? oh dear. lmao

    • Link

      Give the girl a break :P Not like she has a ton of experience shooting a rifle.

      • Link

        point and shoot. missing is pretty easy. there is a lot of "not buddy".

        • Link

          Hush, Peter.

        • Link

          Perhaps it's got more to do with Buddy’s luck, than her bad aim : P

          • Link

            Law of attraction I suppose.. negative energy and all that.. I still think there is a lot of that "not-buddy" in the picture though.