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When the RANT Is Due: Thinking Outside the Box by TheGrinDragon

When the RANT Is Due: Thinking Outside the Box


RANT is a compilation of some of the best of twenty-five years of Observations: When the RANT Is Due. Marked by occasional (okay, frequent) sarcasm, self-deprecating humor, and even a few thoughtful pieces, RANT was unlike other business mailings. For one thing, it wasn’t strictly about business and, strictly speaking, it usually wasn’t about business at all. Also, it often evoked strong emotions from laughter to anger to not so thinly veiled threats of violence (See The Crazed Geek).

RANT takes on a host of diverse subjects: Seven Words George Carlin Wouldn’t Be Caught Dead Using; About as Funny as a Heart Attack (Which demonstrates there is humor in heart disease); Eschatology Happens (When the world ended exactly as predicted. It didn’t? Well, it’s still early.); On Andy Rooney Dying of Nothing Serious (Not old enough to remember him on 60 Minutes? No problem. There are short intros providing background where necessary.) PANIC and the Price of Tulips in Utrecht; The Sweet Secret and a whole lot more.

Closet bathroom reader? Commuter? Commuter who reads closeted in the bathroom? Whatever… RANT is the perfect read for picking up downtime. That’s because each piece is standalone. Or, if you’re in the loo, sitting alone.

Available in full color as an ebook and b/w paperback.

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