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Livestreaming Sculpture Stuff Saturday!

Hey guys! It's been a while since I've been able to post anything, mostly due to the fact that Atlanta has been hit by another super awesome snow/sleet storm, of which we were woefully prepared for. Literally everything shuts down when it snows even an inch here because no one knows how to drive in it and I think there is maybe one snowplow in the entire metro Atlanta area. So this pretty much meant being stuck in a freezing house for three days, and unable to work due to knuckles getting stiff with cold and being unable to perform delicate movements, and then spending the next several days working overtime at my job to make up hours so I can pay my bills. >.<

There is some good news though! The weather here is supposed to be warming up tremendously over the next week, and I'm hoping this upcoming Saturday night to be able to do a sculpting livestream for a couple hours! I'll be working on trying to finish the commission pieces I've got, and you guys are more than welcome to ask questions about anything and just hang out and chat with me! I do give fair warning, I'm probably going to be just rubber banding my phone to my head and live streaming from that, so the resolution may not always be perfect since it will be bobbing around with my face, but hopefully it will work out and you guys will be able to see some stuff at least. I'm planning on starting this up Saturday, February 22nd, at 8pm EST, so come join me for some fun!

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  • Link

    Absolutely stunning sculpture work! An impeccable sense of detail you have. Definitely worth a follow!

  • Link

    Wow your art is amazing. :3

  • Link

    Your sculpts are to die for!
    Amazing work

  • Link

    Oooh, you don't see too many crafts-type people around. Gonna keep my eye on you.

  • Link

    Oh my gosh your sculpting is INCREDIBLE!!