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Commish on DA by Teridodo

Commish on DA


This was a commish for someone on DA.

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Visual / Other


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    You have a really unique style! Lurv thissss :3

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      Why thankyou! :D Skinny and out of proportion heh :3 I'm glad 8D It was verrrry fan to make o3o

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        seems like everyone's art has to be perfect, but idk, you're different because you created your own style! :)

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          If everyone's art was picture perfect, there'd be no point in knowing the word "style". Little miscorrections and out of proportion parts sometimes spark things up, don't they? At least i think so o3o lol and thankyou! 8D This style is still in progress but im working on it x3

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    If everyone's art was picture perfect, there'd be no point in knowing the word "style". Little miscorrections and out of proportion parts sometimes spark things up, don't they? At least i think so o3o lol and thankyou! 8D This style is still in progress but im working on it x3

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      i really do agree! i wish i had a style. i'm still struggling with figuring out anatomy and how to work photoshop! that's why i've stuck with pen for so long xD

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        Oh good! :'D Psh, you wish? i think you already do o-o That's the hard part xD ANATOMY XD I mean seriously ;3; Until we get the anatomy sorted out, (more or less) we have no idea where to stick what :I i used to stick wings practically on buttocks xD At least those provide some bulgy muscles as a base hah xD And my style for most things changes each time i draw them actually ;; I can never stick to just one goddamn style... it's just above me xD or i haven;t drawn enough of them maybe o: I should upload my humanoid sketches ;3; Only problem is, i have no idea how to operate the new camera and i'm too lazy to use the scanner :'D

        And i totally agree, photoshop can be a pain in the arse to get the hang of x=x It is entertaining though :u I'll have to get used to it myself, as paint tool sai isn;t compatible with mac :U

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          naw girl i drew that picture from another drawing. When I draw my own stuff OH GOD RUN AWAY. Haha. Wings on butts. I'd like to see one of those drawings. xD But nah, I'm trying to make my way artistically still. I was actually lined up to go to art school but I decided not to end up in 120k debt by my senior year! So I turned around and now I'm in the military! WOAH

          I KKNOW HOW YOU FEEL WITH SAI. I wish I could install it and have the pen pressure sensitivity actually work but nope. Doesn't wanna work on macs. One day it'll come out :(