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Hellhund by TeknicolorTiger



Stolen, it was taken from her by that crafty creature. That thing that took something so important to her, her name, that memory.

She should have known better than to bargain, the imp smelled of sulfur and ash and she could taste his blood in her throat, the thing should have been snapped in her jaws. But no, he offered her revenge, she was dying and he offered her the chance to finally take revenge on those who had wronged her, the beast inside urging to take the little creatures deal. It only asked for a small thing, something she wouldn't miss.

No not her soul, it promised nothing she couldn't live without. No the thing had taken her name, left a gaping hole in her memory. The infuriating thing was she couldn't remember even what it is that he took.

The gate before her had taken her time to find, passage to that imp's lair and the land of nightmare. She didn't have to come here, her revenge... She couldnt even remember why she wanted it. The beast quaked in her heart for something but outside of the darkness at her core she couldn't be sure what it was she even sought or who it was who had caused that.

The imp would pay, she would collect herself identity, her revenge back from that creature. Its master would know it broke its end of the bargain. It would pay in blood...

-Text by Crystala

Speedpaint commission for Crystala, for a friend of her's. :)

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