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asshole alarm by technicolorpie

asshole alarm


Second only to ‘I’m not racist BUT’…

Bragging about being un-PC is rarely a good sign, I’ve found. It indicates you're about to say something that ends in some sort of 'ist' and acting like it's a badge of pride and not a show of being a self-centered jerk.

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  • Link

    i always took that as "i don't want to be seen as a jerk but i have an opinion people don't like"

    • Link

      You mean an opinion that is usually racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, and so forth and so on. An opinion that marginalizes, oppresses, or harms a group of people usually. These starements are ALWAYS followed by something derogatory, unless joking. Example, "I'm not racist, but chairs are weird." However, we're not talking about goofy statements like that, we're talking about actual statements people make that are ALWAYS the -ist/-phobic that the qualifier 'but' is trying to excuse them from. Honestly, you don't need the not, cause whatever you are going to say is going to make you racist, sexist, etc. etc. because that opinion/statement is just that.

      • Link

        everyone has faults, no one wants to be the bad guy, and givng into kneejerk reactions and demonizing them does nothing to improve the world. of people want tolerence and equality then one must give flowers nce to those who offend you as well. Otherwise you weaken your position by appearing as intolerent as those who's opinions you dislike so much. Cut them a little slack, they are at least giving a warning about that and admitting thet realize that their opinion is inappropriate, even if it's one they possess.

        It's not wise to seek malice where there could simply be ignorence. And by admitting their opinion that way, they give you a golden oppertunity to educate, which is lost out when your reaction is as harsh as it can be. (you being tbe theoretical you)

        • Link

          god damn autocorrect. that flowers thing was supposed to be tolerence. "one must give tolerence to those who offend you as well "

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          I do not want tolerance. I want acceptance.

          Also, I've written about the idea about tolerating hate and -isms/-phobias.

          • Link

            acceptance cannot come from force. gotta start somewhere, and you have to tolerate those around you.. even when your outnumbered. you don't have to like them, just don't make enemies ot of them

            • Link

              People should not have to act polite towards those who would actively oppress them. I’m all for tolerance, but if someone’s acting like an asshole, they shouldn’t have immunity from censure or criticism for acting that way.

              I’ll quote Chuck Wendig here:

              “Politically correct” is a phrase so often (mis)used, it’s entirely worthless. My opinion is that if you’re trying to score points with a political party or with folks to get votes, then that, my friends, is politically correct. If you’re trying to make an earnest change to whatever (media, policy, education, workforce) and that change happens to be about sexism or racism or some other perceived imbalance, that’s not political correctness. What you’re calling “politically correct” is really just someone trying to make the world a better place according to their ideals. “Don’t say that hurtful word” isn’t an expression of political correctness. It’s an effort to be Ask You To Be Less Shitty. “Let’s see more diversity on the pages of this comic book” isn’t somebody trying to score political points. It’s trying to address what the person or company sees as a problem.

              • Link

                i never said you don't critisize em. just dont demonize them. you can afford to not be an asshole while critisizeing. part of the problem is people are saying "you're wrong, and you are scum for it" not "you are wrong and here is why". i'm just saying if you want to make a point... do be an asshole about it. (theoretical you)

                but you don't need to agree with me. Thats your right as a human being.

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    Your Irony Senses won't stop tingling?

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    "I heard Obama is actually a communist lizard person who brainwashed that guy that got ran over by Tony Stewart!"

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    Indeed. It's rare those lines are ever followed up with anything good. -.-

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    Note also that nobody cares what he has to say.

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    This prolly isn't 'politically correct' but I think monarchy has proven itself time and time again to be the best form of governing.

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    I'm not racist but that bigass siren on your head makes you look goofy

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    Wouldn't an asshole alarm just start going off the moment you plugged it in and then never stop?

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      That's why they had to design them to filter out background noise.

  • Link

    I think the handful (well, maybe half-handful) of times I'd ever heard it used correctly was when the speaker legitimately had no idea what the "politically correct" term was. (Though in itself, "politically correct" isn't correct politically.)

    Anyway: nailed it!

  • Link

    I know I'm an asshole, being derogatory to genders, races, sexual persuasions would of been totally PC, it's subjective and opinionated, but on top of that, it's just words, evil actions outweigh them any day.

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    It's like they're just half-assing being an asshole when they really should just drop the foreplay and whole-ass it.

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    Whenever I hear that caveat emptor in particular my mind just races "Please Be A Comedian" over and over, till the 'Dang, Remember Bill Hicks died twenty years ago' moment when I'm not going to be treated to a joke that flies my usual expectations. It's become one of those stock phrases I dread hearing because any forthcoming statement just lacks the necessary elements of playful vitrolicism and cutting-edge snark that I've grown too fond of. Rationalwiki has a good article on it. This one too.

    • Link

      Actions speak louder than words, is another example of a thought-terminating cliche. From past hobby of Mensur, I can honestly say the Pen is mightier than the Sword, I've never been one to dismiss a well-written novel that carries impact long after having read the ending.

  • Link

    If that alarm had WiFi, you'd go deaf.