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Jones by Ahro (collab) by tapewolf

Jones by Ahro (collab)


Here's another thigh-up drawn by Ahro, this time of Jones, a coyote demon from the Black Riders SWAT team.

Like all the demons in the Black Riders, Jones is not particularly evil, since his job is ultimately to protect the public. However, the sort of jobs that require the notorious Black Riders are usually the ones with sticky endings, and Jones is not squeamish about providing them. Besides being a proficient rider, he is exceptionally skilled with katanas, assault rifles and anti-tank weaponry.

As with Ernst, he tends to wear his motorcycle leathers as a uniform and will wear it even when driving other vehicles or on desk duty.
Also like Ernst, he was introduced in "Dark Lord Rising" but is liable to show up in future comics set in or around the kingdom of Fairwater.
Dark Lord Rising can be found here, Jones is introduced late in Chapter 2, but mostly features in chapter 3.
I really need to get pictures of these guys in casual wear sometime...

The picture was a digital sketch from Ahro's Patreon scheme. With the pencil sketches I had to ink them, with the digital sketches I am usually able to use the lines directly, which was done here.

If she posts the original on FA, I will link to it then.

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Visual / Digital