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Illiath's School Brochure by tapewolf

Illiath's School Brochure


This started out as a simple background prop for the comic, but it took on a life of it's own, and went through about four revisions and "Can you draw X...?" requests. Sorry, Merlin!

This is the prospectus for Illiath's 'Cubi school, or in other words, a large, thick brochure that is sent on request to prospective students. These days they seem to be mostly done as PDFs, but since Furrae contains a mixture of high-tech, magical, and a fair few medieval backwaters, they are going to print them out as well.

I might post the picture of Illiath and Daryil separately because it had to be cropped to fit.
As mentioned, this went through a lot of revisions. The original one just had Daryil embarrassing Illiath on the cover, and a crappy version of the school building drawn by me. sofox pointed out that the Dublin Trinity College prospectus had a montage of various scenes, and that that might be a better approach. So I went back to Merlin, who kindly drew a better version of the background, and also the group of students with Professor Jevex.
The school backdrop still looked deserted and abandoned so I went back to Merlin yet again and asked her to add some students. After that it was just a matter of sticking it all together nicely.

Originally I'd intended to cross-fade the images, but it didn't really work out since I lost important details like the blue guy's clan mark, or the smiling mouse. So I went for hard edges.

There is a slight problem that the book was intended to be landscape, but appears as portrait in the comic. After flailing around trying to get a portrait version of the book to work, I decided it couldn't be done and went with landscape anyway.
This means that when the comic does go out, Syd and Dorcan will be holding it the wrong way around. Which isn't a disaster since they're just carrying them, not actually reading. Still annoying, though.

So. In the top-left panel we have a bunch of random students, plus Professor Jevex (wearing very un-professorly gloves), and a blue jackal named Jason who should hopefully be turning up in a new comic sometime next month.
Below that we have Daryil hugging Illiath, who is Not Pleased, and finally, in the main panel we have a blackbird 'cubi, a happy mouse, and a Daryil succubus who may become important later.
In front of the door are Professor Olaf Taun (Love child of Jakob the wolf and Quill, the fox-giraffe), and also Professor Dymkarra.

Lines and design by Merlin, colour and assembly by me. Dymkarra belongs to... Dymkarra.

(For those who are wondering, the school got it's name before ISIS was a thing. All the same I've tended to refer to it as "Illiath's" in the comic to avoid confusion)

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