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Graboondo Residents by KronoGarrett

Graboondo Residents


Assorted residents from everyone's favorite icebound terrestrial, including a plumber, a renegade Taigin machinist, and a KSF pilot.

Even in the future, the pipes break. Or need to be fitted together. Because of the headset and neck brace, he's probably more of an industrial pipefitter (or holds the pipes in place with the claws of his Metal Frame.) Much like a Mr. Gagnon of Aquila, he's fond of head wrappings. (I think I'll probably add sleeves to him when I ink the artwork.)

Renegade Machinist might as well be a character class. There is a sizable demand in pre-industrial Taigin polities for illegal products that can only be manufactured by an industrial or post-industrial economy. This ranges from antibiotics, sheet music, paperback novels, windup radios, optics, and timepieces to firearms, ammunition, and explosives. You heard me, heretical sheet music. (You'd be surprised how popular arrangements of recent Space Pop are in the festhalls and taverns...and how much the ruling caste tries to crack down on it.) There's also a trade in armaments for civilian Metal Frames, typically based off of 10ga (20mm) shotgun components.

The KSF is one of the many provincial/city-state militias in Azorran-held territory. It's not so much a fighting force as it is a civil defense force, and serves as an auxiliary to the local public safety forces. While it has a few aging AFVs, assorted small arms, and a handful of MFs to its name, it's incapable of waging a prolonged conflict. Among its members are the depressive fans of gritty taigin political epics with a surprisingly number of sex scenes and main characters who can die at the drop of a hat.

These folks will fill out the last few mech references. I should add in some Azorran B-types as well, although I'm really not sure where Zalcoti is on the references for those...

Artwork (c) of me
Azizos Setting (c) of Zalcoti

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