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The Wonderful World of Wax by KronoGarrett

The Wonderful World of Wax


For DragonSteve on FurAffinity

"Howdy-doodly-do, how's it going? Anyone like any toast?"


"Oh smegging dammit! Why didn't Crapola put mute buttons on these things?!" *blam-blam-blam*

There's nothing quite like a Waxworld gone feral. While there's quite a nice range of useful salvage in such places, the inhabitants make even the residents of Villain Land seem affable. Stealth (or heavy armament) is of the essence.

Unfortunately for Third Technician Steve, neither were possible for the following reasons:

A) Second Technician Ori wasn't able to accompany Steve due to computer system damage that sparked the run for spare parts in the first place.

B) Ori is a soft-light hologram and can't interact with solid objects. In life, he wasn't too bad at robusting...

C) The only tool for hacking doors was a Talkie Toaster, which is clunky compared to a maglock passkey.

D) Skutters aren't suited to rough terrain

E) Between the toaster and the salvaged parts, it wasn't possible to take anything heavier than a machine pistol along.

F) The wyvern didn't want toast, muffins, bagels, pastries, or tarts.

This leaves our unfortunate baryonyx to dash through tunnels and caves pursued by angry waxdroid monsters. Good luck, Steve, there's only another half mile between here and Blue Midget.

Artwork © of me

Steve © of his player

Red Dwarf-related material © of Grant Naylor Productions

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