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SRMTHFG: Adopted to the Future Chapter 4 by sweetheart1012

SRMTHFG: Adopted to the Future Chapter 4

Warning: it will end up containing censored swearing from some ocs or something. I will add some LGBTQ but with some (not all) ocs only and I might plan on adding a few more characters in the story. (At least one character
might be more minor than the others) The ocs in the story will not be as important as the Hyperforce themselves.

I decided the story will be Rated T for Teen and you were warned.

After breakfast, May Belle cleared the table with the help of Antauri. As she was loading the dish washer, May Belle
looked at her son with the braid in his hair. She was very proud of the young man her son has became.

"What made me upset was that I was so close to finally learning of my past while meditating mother and then the
prank Kouki did made my mood worse but it's fine because they apologized" Antauri told his adopted mother. Kouki
and Sasha felt slight guilt because they knew Antauri was trying to learn the truth behind his past. "I mean I am
thankful for what you have done, it's just I feel if there is some unfinished business in my life which is why I wanted
to look for the answers" Antauri confessed.

"Don't worry honey, I understand" May Belle said because she knew how felt because her and Ruby were adopted
too, they are sisters by blood, but something happened to cause them to get adopted in the same family. May Belle
clearly remembered what happened 18 years ago, it was a day that was bittersweet to her because it brought her joy
and pain.

We see the flashback as Two Worlds, One Family from Tarzan by Phil Collins was being played in the background.
May Belle and her sister were living in an apartment that contained four rooms together at that time. Ruby moved in
with May Belle after her divorce four months ago on that day.

May Belle and Ruby were setting up a bassinet together as they waited for a phone call because they planned on
converting the fourth room into a nursery and the only things they bought for it at the time was a purple bassinet
because they didn't know what gender the child May Belle was adopting was suppose to be yet.

The phone began to ring which caused May Belle to jump in excitement as she grabbed the phone. "Hello? Why yes,
this is Miss May Belle Smith" she said with a smile. "How's my new baby? are they a boy or a girl?" she asked eagerly.

But she got a shocking discovery as the person on the line spoke. "w-What?" May belle said in disbelief. "What did
they say?" Ruby asked.

"t-There was a mistake in the adoption agency that caused the baby they were holding for me t-to be a-a-a-adopted
by s-someone else and they called to apologize about it" May Belle said while struggled to control her sobs. "What?!"
Ruby yelled while her head turned red.

"Those dirty two bleeps!" Ruby ranted before she took the phone from May Belle as she cried while the lyrics 'No
words describe a mother's tears, no words can heal a broken heart.' played.

As Ruby was screaming and cursing at the person on the other line while claiming they cheated her sister out of being
a mother. May Belle decided that maybe she needed some air to help her while she grieved while the lyrics 'The
dream is gone, but where there is hope.' played. But as May Belle opened the door, she got a shocking surprise,
there was a basket with purple blankets and pillows with a small baby with black hair and blue eyes wearing a silver
onesie with a bib with the name 'Antauri' on it.

She had a feeling this baby was a boy, she didn't know why but she did. She gently picked up the basket with the
boy in it as she decided to bring him into her apartment so she can get a good look at him. Ruby hung up the phone
after she finished swearing and screaming at the person before seeing the baby.

"Okay where are his parents?" Ruby asked her sister. "I don't know I just found him alone and I only know his name
is Antauri" May Belle responded. "Antauri? What kind of name is that?" Ruby snarked.

"I honestly don't know but his bib clearly says it" May Belle replied. "I thinking we could take him to the hospital to
check his health and to try and track down his parents, after all, it's the right thing to do" she said to Ruby. "Well
what are ya waiting for? Let's go" Ruby spoke to her.

As soon they arrived at the hospital, the doctor in it was examining the baby boy to check if he was healthy. A few
nurses were trying to track down his parents or at least a hospital he was born in. But unfortunately, there was no
birth certificate in Shuggazoom that had the name Antauri in it and they couldn't find anyone who may be either
missing or had a baby named Antauri as well.

But at least the newborn baby boy was healthy. It was decided by the hospital that Antauri should probably be
placed up for adoption since there were no relatives of his to be found. During all of this, May Belle was thinking
and once she heard about this, she knew she wanted to adopt him.

"I would like to adopt Antauri please" May Belle asked the doctor. "Uh sure, but we need to inform the adoption
agency so you can get some adoption papers to adopt him legally" the doctor told her. "They better let her adopt
him because they need to make up for screwing her last time" Ruby growled.

"We discovered that Antauri was born just 9 hours ago, so he probably born in the morning" the doctor also
informed the sisters. The doctor then began to call the adoption agency as the sisters waited. After he finished his call,
the doctor informed the sisters that he was going to make Antauri birth certificate the best he could so Antauri could
be adopted while waiting for an agent to arrive.

May Belle was allowed to hold Antauri as they waited since she was the one who found him in the first place. After
the agent came and Antauri got both a birth certificate and was adopted because of May Belle signing all of the
adoption papers. He became a part of May Belle's family.

Normally, you would have to foster a child for a few weeks before adopting one but since May Belle already fostered
a child in the past, she could adopt Antauri right on the spot. As Antauri grew, May Belle noticed some things about
her son. Antauri didn't cry unless something was causing him actual distress or if it's needed to get her attention, which
sometimes can be difficult when it came to his needs before he could speak.

May Belle wasn't sure if he was a genius or not but either way, he was really intelligent. Because despite his lack of
cries, he managed to figure out how to tell her his needs in another way before he could talk. He would make
gestures such as pointing to his stomach or mouth when he was hungry.

May Belle smiles at the memories she had raising Antauri as the flashbacks end. Sure, there were times where it was
tough and surprises were there as well. But, May Belle was happy to have the young man in her life and would never
trade it for anything.

SRMTHFG: Adopted to the Future Chapter 4


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