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ODG-1 Hand Grenade Family by Svaros

ODG-1 Hand Grenade Family


The ODG-1 family of hand grenades was developed by Imperial Light and Machine Works (ILMW) in the first 120 years of the Tolesian Commonwealth. The outcome was creating a singular service hand grenade platform that was adaptable not only to combat conditions but to various payloads. They're all universally designed except for the fragmentation and concussive grenade, which has a particular dual-mode frame. 

The grenade has changed very little since its introduction, save for some increasing simplification and safety around the timing mechanism, which increased its predictability and reliability. Further changes have been attributed to safer and longer-lasting explosives. Non-explosive variants, such as smoke, riot gas, and others, also have had upgrades to their internal chemical payloads to ensure longevity and reliability.

The ODG-1F2 offensive grenade is the most unique of any grenade with its two-mode functionality. The grenade is divided into two layers, separated by a plastic sheath for weatherproofing to achieve this operation. For non-fragmentation purposes, the operator twists the outer layer so that the blue on the plastic is showing. Internally, this lines the metal ribs up, so they strengthen one another, so when the grenade detonates, there is little to no fragmentation. For more defensive or fragmentary use, the operator twists it so that the grenade is marked orange, the ribs are not aligned. When the grenade detonates, the explosive is briefly contained before the preformed ribs shatter, sending metal shards out in a wide lethal and maiming range. 

Grenade variants:

ODG-1F1  Fragmentation/Stun Grenade
ODG-1S1  Smoke Grenade (Comes in 9 major colors)
ODG-1B2 Flash Bang Grenade
ODG-1R1  Riot Control Grenade
ODG-1K3 Sedative Grenade
ODG-1N2 Noma Gas Grenade (Poison gas)
ODG-1D3 Incendiary Grenade
ODG-1Y3 Decoy Grenade


Done by the ever excellent hard_lighter. Thanks, man!

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