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Jetroids Chapter 16 by Surge64

Jetroids Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Astro in the Big City

Upon flying closer to the spindle, Astro saw that it was a giant city consisting of a giant flying tower with disks protruding from it. There were two disks attached to the central tower and there wre four more disks protruding from the lower disk. There were also skyscraper-like objects emerging from the disks. He had found Atmo City. Looking further, he found a place to walk on on one of the disks and decided to land there.

Upon landing, he looked around the city. The city was home to Jetroids like him, both male and female and coming in all varieties. He was shocked. Suddenly high above his head, a skyscraper broadcasted a giant screen showing the news channel. A gray female jetroid with gold hair and wearing a purple dress appeared holding a microphone. Apparently she was the reporter.

"This is Ami on the scene". She said. "We are witnessing a bank robbery in progress. Two of our city's finest heroes are in pursuit." The screen showed the villains being chased by the heroes. The villains were both black and red with a letter V on their foreheads and a red scarf over their mouths. A white male jetroid and pink female jetroid were chasing them. Looking partway across the city, Astro saw an explosion and saw that it was the robbery. He flew over there to see what happened and sure enough the characters he had seen on the news were there. There were doing ok, though the villains were getting away. Scanning his weapons systems, he found wrist-mounted machine guns and leg mounted missile launchers. Coming up with a plan quickly, he would use his machine guns to distract them and make the drop the money, and then use his missiles to blow them up.

"We can't let them get away, Sakura!" the withe Jetroid said. Suddenly machine gun fire erupted in front of where the villains were running, startled they saw a gold jetroid flying there aiming his machine guns. They dropped their loot and flew to challenge him. "Why are they challenging him?" the pink Jetroid wondered. Suddenly they heard explosions above their heads. The gold Jetroid had launched homing missiles at the villains and blew them up.

Astro was curious about the heroes and decided to fly down. The white Jetroid had yellow and black details and was equipped with a blue visor. The pink jetroid had 2 pigtails on the sides of her head, a purple one piece outfit, 4 retractable main wings, and a visor designed to resemble a tiara.

"Sakura, was this the Jetroid that defeated those two goons?" the white one asked.

"I think so, Aero" the pink one replied.

"I was just helping you two stop those guys, my name's Astro" Astro had said.

"Astro. I don't think I've heard of you." Aero said "You new here?".

"Pretty much."

"We should get you to the Atmo City Investigation and Police Department." Sakura said to Aero.

"Ok, I'll come."

So Astro went with Aero and Sakura to ACIPD.

Jetroids Chapter 16


The sixteenth chapter of Jetroids.

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Literary / Story